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From Responsibility to Sustainability: A New Era of CSR in the Health Sector

In recent years, we've seen the corporate social responsibility (CSR) space make the much-anticipated transition from niche to mainstream. Today's customers, employees, investors and partners increasingly expect companies to yield not only financial, but also social and environmental dividends that benefit a triple bottom line and leverage core competencies for public good. And as the global community collectively locks arms in the fight against the new coronavirus, stakeholders are paying even closer attention to the companies that step up. 

These trends are especially magnified in the healthcare space, which is intrinsically linked to the health and wellbeing of communities around the world. In this series sponsored by GCI Health, we'll unpack how this sector is embracing an evolving sense of CSR to strengthen public-private collaboration, foster trust within communities, and keep citizens safe and well. (Image credit: subman/E+ via Getty Images)