I saw a yoga class in a business for the first time while touring Clif Bar's new and very green headquarters during my interview with CEO Kevin Cleary. Cliff Bar measures its operations and rewards its associates around five aspirations:
- Business
- Brand
- Community
- People
- Planet
Some of the "people" oriented milestones Clif Bar has achieved include launching their first onsite fitness center in 1997, launching the nation's first financial incentive program supporting associates' purchases of bio/diesel and hybrid cars in 2006 and in 2008 offering associates financial support in their purchase of eco-improvements to their homes. See a detailed PDF here.
Onsite yoga, as it turns out, is another important "people" commitment that Clif Bar has embraced. To learn more about how businesses like Clif Bar are viewing yoga as part of an alignment with their business goals I interviewed John Friend, founder of Anusara. John has been a pioneer introducing yoga into businesses. In this interview he explains the link between yoga, a business going green and enhancing associates' business performance:
Bill Roth is the founder of Earth 2017 and author of The Secret Green Sauce that profiles best practices of actual companies growing green revenues. Watch other interviews of sustainable leaders at Earth 2017 TV. Earth 2017 TV.
Bill Roth is a cleantech business pioneer having led teams that developed the first hydrogen fueled Prius and a utility scale, non-thermal solar power plant. Using his CEO and senior officer experiences, Roth has coached hundreds of CEOs and business owners on how to develop and implement projects that win customers and cut costs while reducing environmental impacts. As a professional economist, Roth has written numerous books including his best selling The Secret Green Sauce (available on Amazon) that profiles proven sustainable best practices in pricing, marketing and operations. His most recent book, The Boomer Generation Diet (available on Amazon) profiles his humorous personal story on how he used sustainable best practices to lose 40 pounds and still enjoy Happy Hour!