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Company Bonuses Determined By Green Actions

By Tiffany Finley

As companies race to catch-up to greenhouse gas emissions reporting and reductions, technologies to ease the process are flourishing. CloudApps has developed a desktop engagement tool that connects corporate goals and policies with everyday employee actions. Sustainable Momentum or SuMo, is a sustainability dashboard the measures employee sustainability actions, and compares that information by department, region, and any other classification the business sets up. Yet the newest twist on this connection tool for employees and employers isn’t in the numbers per say, it’s in the financial gains. Some employers are using the tool to decide employee bonuses, and the trend is catching on across the UK.
This sustainability dashboard provides immediate access to the company’s sustainability goals, values, and targets. This level of transparency and accessibility is helping further humanize the face of businesses resulting not only in environmental cost-savings, but also through reduced employee turnover rates. By breaking down the barriers of top-down communication, the sustainability portal provides and intersection for employees and employers to speak and use the same language.

Employee engagement is key to increasing employee loyalty, retention rates, productivity, and inspiration. The SuMo dashboard offers employees a chance to see how they are doing in relation to their “group,” be it their sector, region, or department. It also provides suggestions for improvement in their everyday environmental actions. Yet the most interesting part of the tool lays in the suggestions tab. Employees can propose new ideas for sustainability initiatives within the company. Other employees can vote, and the ideas are automatically ranked. This allows executive leaders to understand and put into action sustainability ideas with a decent amount of pre-existing employee interest and support.

This new level of 21st Century interaction has resulted in a higher sense of connectivity within companies. By rewarding employees for their environmental actions through bonuses, public recognition, and through starting employee-inspired and supporter initiatives, companies are more in tune with the backbone of their workforce. Of course the cost-savings, and partnership with the Carbon Disclosure Project aren’t bad perks either.

Through transparency, improvement suggestions, and rewards, UK companies are seeing immediate and expansive growth in sustainability actions undertaken on the employee-level. All of this through a dashboard tool? Not too bad if you ask us!

If you would like to learn more about CloudApps’ employee engagement and sustainability monitoring tool, please visit the CloudApps website.

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Tiffany Finley started her sustainability journey while camping in the Boundary Waters in Northern Minnesota. Since then she has been dedicated to reconciling the industrial and the natural world views to create a hybridized mode of development toward sustainability. Majoring in Environmental Management in the US and then obtaining a Master's of Science in Strategic Leadership toward Sustainability in Sweden, she takes an analytical view based on science. She works with non-profits, small to medium businesses, and government organizations to strategize for sustainability in their respective sectors. Honored to join the writing cast at Triple Pundit, she looks forward to covering a wide range of sustainability news.

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