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EPA Examines Consumption and the Environment

By Tiffany Finley

Will understanding the psychology, patterns, and economics behind over-consumption help us navigate the road ahead? The West Coast EPA is hosting a year long webinar series that highlights the link between consumption and the environment to do just that. By providing information and access to thought-leaders, they hope to expand the conversation on environmentalism. The series also aims to highlight the importance of choice and how each choice we make impacts the environment. Sponsored by the EPA's West Coast Climate and Materials Management Forum, there is also a significant focus on the opportunities to reduce greenhouse gases through choice, while still supporting a vibrant economy.

Webinar Series Line-Up:

  • Unsustainable Consumption & The Rise and Fall of Consumer Cultures, February 1st, Erik Assadourian, Senior Fellow, World Watch Institute. Webinar review available here.

  • Sustainable Products and the Question of Choice, March 1st, Derry Allen, EPA"s Office of Strategic Environmental Management; Barry Schwartz, author of The Paradox of Choice, and professor at Swarthmore University; Geoffrey Miller, author of Spent: Sex, Evolution, and Consumer Behavior and associate professor at University of New Mexico. Webinar review available here.

  • Your Eco Footprint/ Downsizing Your Consumption, April 5th, Mathis Wackernagel, co-founder of Global Footprint Network; Vicki Robin, author of Your Money or Your Life and world-renowned lecturer.

  • Food: Why we eat too much and waste too much, May 3rd, Jonathan Bloom, author of American Wasteland and freelance journalist; Jean Schwab of EPA, leader of the Food Recovery Initiative and Greenscapes program.

  • Reducing Consumption to Improve Quality of Life, June 7th, John de Graaf, author of Affluenza, documentary filmmaker.

  • Correlation Between Happiness and Consumption, August 2nd, Mark A Cohen, Professor of Law and Vice President for Research, Resources of the Future for Vanderbuilt University.

  • Economics of Consumption, September 6th, TBA.

  • Public Attitudes and Influencing Behavior, October 4th, Nancy Lee, President of Social Marketing Services, Inc and associate professor at UW Evans School of Public Affairs.

  • Motives and Reasons Behind Overconsumption, November 1st, TBA.

  • Carbon and Fossil Fuels - Exploring our Addiction, December 6th, TBA.
*For the most current list of speakers and topics, please visit the EPA's Consumptin and the Environment webpage.

How To Join the Conversation These free webinars are open to the public! It is a year-long series that runs for one and half hours the first Tuesday of every month at 9:30 am PST. To sign up for the remaining webinars, click here. To listen to past webinars, please visit the EPA's website.

It should be noted that although the EPA sponsors this webinar series the data, ideas, and opinions expressed by non-EPA speakers are not endorsed by the EPA nor do they represent EPA policy. Register for the series:https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/928518465

Tiffany Finley started her sustainability journey while camping in the Boundary Waters in Northern Minnesota. Since then she has been dedicated to reconciling the industrial and the natural world views to create a hybridized mode of development toward sustainability. Majoring in Environmental Management in the US and then obtaining a Master's of Science in Strategic Leadership toward Sustainability in Sweden, she takes an analytical view based on science. She works with non-profits, small to medium businesses, and government organizations to strategize for sustainability in their respective sectors. Honored to join the writing cast at Triple Pundit, she looks forward to covering a wide range of sustainability news.

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