In March, we hosted our first #3pChat Tweet Jam on sustainable fashion, featuring prominent sustainable designers and merchandisers from around the world.
Now, on Thursday, May 8th; 12 Noon PST / 3pm EST, we're bringing you our second large "Tweet Jam" on sustainable seafood. We have been running a special sponsored series on the topic for the past several weeks, and now it's time to invite a few experts in for a live conversation, in which you can participate!
Questions of discussion will include:
- The future of "wild" fish, and aquaculture as a solution?
- The efficiency of labeling and consumer responses?
- Do diners care? Can the restaurant industry play a part?
- What is the role of businesses? NGOs? Government?
George H. Leonard - Chief Scientist, Ocean Conservancy - @GeorgeHLeonard
George provides science and policy advice to a number of organizational priorities including marine debris, ocean acidification, and sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Before joining Ocean Conservancy, he developed the scientific foundation for the Seafood Watch program at Monterey Bay Aquarium and helped launch the Communication Partnership for Science and the Sea (COMPASS). He is active member of the twitter-verse on these and other emerging ocean conservation issues.
Tim Fitzgerald - Environmental Defense Fund Oceans Program, Senior Advisor - @hawaiifitz
Tim directs EDF’s sustainable seafood program and is a senior member of EDF’s National Policy team, where he engages the seafood supply chain to advance better fisheries management policies. Tim serves on the conservation board of Ecofish LLC and is an advisor to Fair Trade USA, SeaWeb and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. He is a frequent speaker on conservation and health issues concerning the seafood market, and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and NPR’s Fresh Air, in addition to invited testimony in front of the President’s Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.
Jason Simas - iPura Foods, Director of Communications - @iPura
Jason is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley and founder of Grant, Hamilton & Beck, LLC, a communications consultancy for innovative, purpose-driven and quality-focused brands. He designed and manages social media communications for iPura Foods, a life sciences company focused on Food Safety and Sustainability. He is also the creator of the Sustainable Seafood Bloggers Association set to launch in May.
Clare Leschin-Hoar - Independent Food Writer / Journalist - @c_leschin
Clare is an award-winning journalist who covers food policy, seafood and sustainability trends within the food industry. Her work has appeared in Scientific American, The Guardian and many more. She's a regular contributor at TakePart. Her seafood-specific coverage has recently included stories on the impacts of ocean acidification; turf wars over seafood certification; feed and sea lice solutions in aquaculture, and seafood safety post-Fukushima.
Thursday, May 8th; 12 Noon PST / 3pm EST Follow along on Twitter at: #3pChat
RSVP by sending the following tweet: "Join me May 8 at Noon PST to talk about sustainable seafood w/ @Triplepundit & experts. http://bit.ly/SustyFishTweetJam #3pchat"
Never done this before? Read our primer on how a twitter chat works.
Have a question for our panelists? Leave a comment below or tweet us at @triplepundit. The Tweet Jam will be an hour long and we’ll have a series of conversation starting questions lined up. You’re welcome to jump in any time and add your own thoughts or questions to the dialogue.
Our series sponsors have made this chat possible. Their twitter information is below and we’ve invited them to weigh in during the chat as well.
- Future of Fish - @FutureofFish
- Bell Aquaculture - @BellAquaculture
- Verlasso - @VerlassoSalmon
- Fish Choice - @FishChoice
- Monterey Bay Aquarium; Seafood Watch - @SeafoodWatch
Image credit: Michelle Tsang/Unsplash

Marissa is the Owner of Climate Social, LLC. She holds a bachelor's degree in communications from Mizzou and a master's in environmental studies from UPenn.