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Andrea Newell headshot

Lean In and Give Us Your Opinion -- How Did Sandberg's Book Impact You?

By Andrea Newell

It's been a year since Sheryl Sandberg published her book, "Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead," and we're betting that many of you have read it, or at least are familiar with its themes. We know our readers are a great source of information and knowledge. Now we'd like your take on some topics from the book and if they have had any impact on your life. Tell us your stories.

  1. The first part of the book talks a lot about how women should get by in a man's world. "Should women play by the rules others created?...I understand the paradox of advising women to to change the world by adhering to biased rules and expectations." Do women still have to get by in a man's world, or are things changing? If so, how? If not, why not?

  2. "Women are reluctant to apply for promotions even when deserved, often believing good job performance will naturally lead to rewards." Why is this bad? And why doesn't it work?

  3. Sandberg talks about the difficulty for women to find and cultivate mentors and sponsors, but how important they are to career growth. "We need to stop telling women, 'Get a mentor and you will excel.' Instead we need to tell them, 'Excel and you will get a mentor.'" Is that true?

  4. Famously, Sandberg has said that when it comes to work/life balance, women "leave before they leave" and they should lean in instead. Has this advice helped women in the past year? Are more women leaning in and are workplaces letting them?

"Talking can transform minds, which can transform behaviors, which can transform institutions." We hope you will join the conversation.

Send your response in a note to andrea@triplepundit.comPut Lean In in the subject line, and in the body, put your name, the topic and your response in 150 words or less by March 28. We'll put as many responses as we can in a final post or series beginning March 31. 

Andrea Newell headshot

Andrea Newell has more than ten years of experience designing, developing and writing ERP e-learning materials for large corporations in several industries. She was a consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers and a contract consultant for companies like IBM, BP, Marathon Oil, Pfizer, and Steelcase, among others. She is a writer and former editor at TriplePundit and a social media blog fellow at The Story of Stuff Project. She has contributed to In Good Company (Vault's CSR blog), Evolved Employer, The Glass Hammer, EcoLocalizer and CSRwire. She is a volunteer at the West Michigan Environmental Action Council and lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan. You can reach her at andrea.g.newell@gmail.com and @anewell3p on Twitter.

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