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Where Did the Comments Go?

By CSRWire Blogs

Submitted by David Connor

Following the lead of many established and new media online platforms, on Friday January 16th we will be removing the comments section at the bottom of CSRwire website articles, whilst actively encouraging conversation to migrate to social media.  We believe that the ability to add further conversation to our articles and blogs is more accessible and transparently served through services such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and beyond. As such, each article will have a #hashtag associated with it so conversations and engagement can be tracked and more broadly shared beyond csrwire.com.  We will keep a close watch on how this serves our community.

The connected world of online conversation, activism and intellectual debate evolves daily and CSRwire aims to stay at the forefront of the most effective and innovative processes that create tangible value.

We believe we can add much stronger and sustained value by refocusing some of our resources into more efficient conversational channels and editorial assets and contributors.  CSRwire has a large, growing and active Twitter following that we believe will provide a wider reach and more open debate for our articles, client news and those we serve within the communities we operate.

Of course we would love to hear your opinion, so head over to @CSRwire and let us know your thoughts.