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Future generations prepare for work with DP World Education Programme

By 3p Contributor
By Sangeeta Haindl — In our fast-paced, technology-driven and globalised world, consumers expect just about anything from anywhere delivered promptly to their door. International logistics via technology makes that happen. Yet, it seems newcomers do not always perceive supply chain management and global trade as a first career choice. So, how do logistics companies attract new business leaders to gain a competitive advantage? Well, they do what global trade enabler, DP World is doing – invest in the next generation.
DP World is rolling out its Global Education Programme, following the success of its English language pilot, which was introduced in seven countries – UAE, India, Pakistan, Senegal, UK, Argentina and the Philippines. It aims to deliver over 100 sessions in seven more languages by the end of 2016. Overall, this educational initiative wants to engage 34,000 children between the ages of 8-14 by 2020, where the subjects include port management, sustainability, careers in trade, logistics and the maritime sector, geography, mathematics, design and technology. The training has been translated into seven languages including French, Arabic and Spanish, with Korean, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Turkish and Romanian in the pipeline for next year.
This DP World drive has been successful, with over 90 percent of the teachers in the pilot countries saying that the course provided their pupils with something new, something that their school could not have provided. A survey from You Gov and DP World was done earlier this year, and revealed that under half (49 percent) of parents of 8-14 year olds in the Middle East and North Africa are optimistic about their children’s future. It also found less than a third know what trade and logistics mean, yet once aware, two thirds (67 percent) of parents believed it was important their children knew more about this industry and a similar amount (60 percent) would be interested in their child working in the industry.
Education is one of the four focus areas of DP World Group’s community investment strategy, called ‘Our World, Our Future’, a global sustainability campaign to engage employees, both current and potential, to raise awareness of the sector and its career opportunities. This specific Programme will give young people a real insight into the possibilities for a successful career in trade and logistics, giving them some basic understanding and skills employers will be looking for when recruiting in the future.
It has the potential to improve opportunities for thousands of young people around the world and DP World will be monitoring its success over the coming years to ensure it has the best possible reach and impact. DP World Group Chairman and CEO Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem says, “Trade and logistics make economies function, increasing prosperity for nations across the world. We are calling on schools from the 40 countries we operate in to join us in helping prepare future generations for the world of work in this rapidly changing and increasingly innovative sector.”
Photo Credit: DP World

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