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Tips for Working Mothers to Help Balance It All

By 3p Contributor

By Sean Morris

Moms are often expected to do it all. They have full-time jobs, but also handle the majority of chores at home that keep the family running smoothly. As a working parent turned stay-at-home dad, I understand how difficult it can be to juggle family and career -- but it's possible, if you find the right balance.

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom re-entering the workforce or a frazzled working mom seeking some relief, here are a few tips to reduce your stress and find some balance between work and home.

1. Create time for yourself

This cannot be stressed enough. A lot of people think that the key to being successful is simply working more hours. For many moms, “getting it all done” means they’re simply working all the time, whether they’re finishing up a client project or completing the household chores. But when it comes to your work and home responsibilities and the amount of time you devote to completing them, think quality not quantity.

When you take time for yourself, you’ll actually be less stressed and more motivated while at work, and you’ll have time to recharge and rejuvenate so that you actually enjoy the time you spend with family.

2. Live in the moment

It's been said before that women can multitask like no other. While this is true, working mothers will find that they can get a lot more done if they concentrate on one thing at a time. Fully dedicate yourself to one to-do item on your list. Chances are you’ll get it done more quickly and feel less frazzled in the process.

3. Create a battle plan for each and every day

There is something to be said for immaculate organization. It is very rare that you meet a disorganized person who still manages to get a lot done. Organization can play a major role in helping you get more done without feeling like you’re having to be busy all the time. With a battle plan in place, you can check items off your to-do list and feel accomplishment rather than exhaustion.

4. Don't forget to appreciate the fruits of your labors

If you can’t enjoy the raise you just got at work or the delicious dinner you prepared for yourself and your family, then what’s the point? When you have a big win, take time to savor it. No matter how you split it, working moms will end up putting in a lot of time at the office and at home. So, when all your hard work pays off, reward yourself by doing something you enjoy.


There is no doubt that the lifestyle of a mom who also holds a full-time job is a challenging one. What’s important to remember is that you don’t have to feel rundown and overworked all the time. When you take some steps to insert balance into work and life, you’ll start to feel a lot better.

Image credit: Pixabay

Sean Morris is a former social worker turned stay-at-home dad. He knows what it’s like to juggle family and career. He did it for years until deciding to become a stay-at-home dad after the birth of his son. Though he loved his career in social work, he has found this additional time with his kids to be the most rewarding experience of his life. He began writing for LearnFit.org to share his experiences and to help guide anyone struggling to find the best path for their life, career, and/or family.

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