By Gaurav Bhattacharya
A study released last year by Access Perks revealed that 74 percent of all American workers are satisfied with their jobs; but 66 percent of those people are still open to new employment.
Even though the market slump abridged salary hikes for many employees, net income is not the only motive behind employees choosing to stay in their current jobs. Many entry-level employees, especially millennials, consider job satisfaction just as important as salary.
With that in mind, try these 11 proven ways to turn entry-level employees into a corporate asset:
1. Offer a balanced professional and personal life
In today’s time, entry-level employees give a high priority to work-life balance. Non-financial benefits and flexible work arrangements are key factors that your prospective recruits look at. Millennials usually look for companies that devote time in building good boss and employee relations.
2. Use technology to unleash their potential
The Generation Y is known as the “Facebook generation” for a reason – their love for technology. So you’ll need to make sure you provide them a technologically sound work environment, and you’ll see how efficient they are! Their life doesn’t revolve around pen and paper. It consists more on clicks and screen taps.
3. Combine demanding and rewarding work
As much as the thought of easy work sounds pleasing to the mind, the truth is completely different. Unless a person gets to challenge his or her limits, and gets an opportunity to break through their comfort zone, work gradually becomes boring and uninspiring. As a result, productivity goes down. Employees become mentally stagnant, which is good neither for them nor for you.On the contrary, when you expose your newly hired millennials to more difficult and mentally challenging tasks, you’ll see how smartly and skillfully they engage into it. Millennials don’t want you to give them easy work; they like to take on a difficult job and find an easy, and time effective, way to do it. Millennials are smart; you’ve just got to hit the right chords.
4. Create a friendly and productive work environment
The key to engaging millennials is to motivate them, to lead by example and be friendly with them. As mentioned earlier, millennials like challenging environments, so you need to take them on tough roads and let them learn things on their own. Be there when they need any assistance, and lead by example.5. Provide opportunities to learn and grow
When we feel we are not learning anything new, we start feeling stagnant and get detached from the workplace. This is exactly why we always find new opportunities to learn something new and use this knowledge to grow as an employee.
Many companies have started conducting training programs in their offices, and Millennials are looking for such companies. Organizations that offer growth prospects, while providing educational programs relevant to their field, are preferred more. This will be especially beneficial for you. You won’t need to spend precious man hours in finding a new employee and training them. Your current young and energetic employees will be there for you, eager to learn and hone new talent.
6. Offer job security
Many organizations are notorious for hiring a candidate one day, and firing the next. If the newly hired Millennials do not feel secure about their job, they will prefer to walk out instead of getting chucked. Job security is a very important factor that can keep your employees motivated. Knowing their jobs are secure will make them want to come the next day.
7. Tell them ‘WIIFT’
People often ask: What’s in it for me? Tell them: What’s in it for them. That’s right. WIIFM! Even though people work for the company, they need to know how working for a company is making them grow on a personal level. There’s nothing more productive for a company than having employees who share the same vision, and have common goals as that of the company. But, that will only be possible when they see that a company’s benefit is also their benefit. For that, keep reminding them how they are benefiting from their job in a wholesome manner.
8. Make them feel valued
People want to work for places where they are appreciated; where their skills and performance are valued. Appreciation can come in any form. From a mention of their performance in front of the colleagues to sending an e-mail appreciating them performance; all these small yet meaningful gestures can go a long way in making people feel they are an indispensable part of the company.9. Convince them that they are not stuck in a dead-end job
One of the most hopeless situations in life is having the realization that the person is stuck in a dead-end job. Make sure your employees never feel that way. Make job-rotations a part of your work routine. Allow them to expand their horizon by trusting them with responsibilities that go above and beyond their everyday responsibilities.
10. Work to create a playful environment
If a company is able to create the kind of environment that feels like a playground, employees will not desperately want for the weekend to arrive. They could find an escape from their dreadful job. To do that, you can conduct regular gaming sessions and fun activities every now and then.A lot of research has been conducted that proves the long-term benefits of creating a playful environment in a company, and how it can help retain employees and turn them into an asset that want to stay dedicated and loyal.
11. Ask for regular feedback and act on it
A place where people are heard and their views are appreciated is something that employees are actively looking for these days. Ask for regular feedbacks from employees and convince them that their opinions matter. Do not impose rules on them. Always keep them flexible. Allow everyone, especially entry-level millennials to put forth their honest views and feedback. Do take their thoughts into consideration if you feel there’s room for improvement in company policies and be sure to act on it.
To make your entry-level millennials your best asset, you’ll need to make them realize how they are a good fit, and how you are always by their side. Guide them, motivate them and help them whenever needed. But above all, give them a platform to grow.
How long have you been working for your company? What is it that motivates you to continue working for it? What steps do you think companies can take to make employees feel important and turn them into a valuable asset? Do let us know!
Image credit: Pexels
Gaurav is the CEO and co-founder of Involve which is a software as a service platform to help companies and its employees give back to their favorite causes by creating personalized giving and volunteering opportunities. He actively participates in the LA tech innovation ecosystem through panel discussions and mentoring. Gaurav started his career by starting a medical software business while still in high school and is an accomplished technology leader with 6 years of team and program leadership with PwC, Montgomery County & Cymer. When he’s not working with the tech community, Gaurav enjoys volunteering for local events with his team. You can follow Involve on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
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