By Mypower — Commercial solar panel systems allow businesses to operate with their own self-generated clean energy. Solar power is a natural source of energy and its not only sustainable, it’s renewable. We will never run out of the sun. Even on cloudy or over cast days solar panels systems still convert light to energy.
For businesses, generating their own clean energy they can significantly enhance their green credentials. More and more customers are asking their suppliers to prove they are actively reducing their carbon footprint. For a fairly averaged sized commercial building a 50kW solar PV installation will generate 45,124kWh of electricity per annum, which means 19 tonnes of CO2 emissions are avoided each year. With sophisticated monitoring systems businesses can easily track exactly how their solar panels are performing on an hourly, daily, monthly and yearly basis. These monitoring systems provide statistics, which can then be used in CSR targets and appraisals. Solar PV installations can also help to achieving and maintaining ISO 14001 environmental accreditations.
Of course, as well as reducing your environmental impact, you are also significantly reducing your electricity bills. Businesses who have installed solar PV in the last year are seeing a return on investment of 11-16% or higher. As well as the attractive ROI, solar PV offers commercial users a cheap and reliable supply of energy which is protected against price rises. Average payback length is 6-9 years and your solar investment can be cash flow positive in as little as 2 years. With low interest rates solar is therefore viewed as a low risk investment. Matching the daytime generation from the panels to the electricity demand within the building is the most efficient way to use that electricity and means that the business needs to import less energy from the grid.
Commercial solar panels don’t just work well for businesses. Schools, hospitals, council buildings, sports facilities and care homes all have a high daytime demand for electricity which can be mitigated by having commercial solar panels installed on the roof.
More and more businesses are installing solar PV systems for commercial use and are reaping the benefits; cost savings, carbon footprint reductions, strengthened customer relationships and create new opportunities with eco- conscious customers.
For more information, visit Mypower.
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