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Financing the SDGs

By Sam Thibault

The green bond market is worth $100bn, but $1trn is needed to fund the low-energy transition by 2020. Ethical Corporation recently commissioned a briefing into the growing state of green finance, which goes into depth on the important role it has to play in tackling climate change and assesses what it will take to move the global financial system on to a more sustainable footing.

Click here to download the complimentary briefing

Key themes of the briefing include:

  • What needs to be done for green finance to go mainstream
  • How fintech is financing the SDGs
  • Innovating to make an impact – green finance disruptors
  • Turning risk into climate rewards for developing countries
  • The role forests have to play in limiting climate change and the lack of current funding to end deforestation

Click here to download the complimentary briefing

Ed Long
Project Director 
Ethical Corporation
+44 (0) 20 7375 7188