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Corporate Purpose: Can It Deliver More for Brands and Stakeholders? Find out at 3BL Forum, Oct. 25

Corporate purpose will be front and center at 3BL Forum: Brands Taking Stands, taking place on Tuesday, October 25, at New York City’s Pier Sixty.
By 3p Editors
3bl forum

Discussions about corporate purpose are now having their moment, and for a good reason: It’s clear that companies that enable employees to fulfill their personal purpose through their work reap proven and measurable benefits. These results come in the form of a boost in loyalty and employee retention, higher levels of engagement and productivity, and improved employee health and personal resilience. That’s according to a 2021 McKinsey study on the role of purpose in the employee experience

Research from Gallup gets even more granular, finding that improving employees’ connection to purpose by just 10 percent delivers an 8 percent decrease in turnover and a more than 4 percent increase in corporate profits. If those numbers surrounding corporate purpose sound like a stretch, consider research from PwC, which found that a huge majority of consumers — 76 percent — would not hesitate to vote with their wallets and cease doing business with a company that treats its people, the environment or the communities in which it operates poorly. 
Corporate purpose, however, still gets the short shrift within many C-suites, which is why the topic is front and center at the upcoming 3BL Forum: Brands Taking Stands, taking place on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, at New York City’s Pier Sixty, where we’ll learn more from more than 60 executives at leading purpose-driven companies.

Candid discussions about the role of purpose within an organization, and whether the continued headwinds many professionals in this space are confronting now will cause brands to abandon their purposes, are among the discussions that are on tap at 3BL Forum. 

The Forum is unlike any other conference. Attendees will leave Pier Sixty with more than inspiration: As you can see in the program planned for the day, you’ll learn how to deploy meaningful change, operationalize ESG and sustainability within your organization, and drive effective, intentional and impactful corporate strategies. A program of high-octane panels and one-on-one executive interviews keenly focused on the how and why, as well as opportunities to network with peer leaders, are what have kept attendees coming back over the past several years. Join us and register today.

For those who wish to attend, we’re still offering a discount of 35 percent off for TriplePundit readers. Purchase your ticket using the discount code 35FORUM2022 when you register.

Image credit: Max Harlynking via Unsplash

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